SEA RECORDS entered the audio recording industry at a time when it completely lay in the control of multinational giants. The multinational giants included The Gramophone Company Of India Limited (HMV), which had been in the trade for the past 100 years and Polydor India Limited, a German giant that entered the trade in 1972.
At this juncture when no indigenous industrialists could even dream of starting a record label, SEA RECORDS did it in the year 1977 and where the first to do so in South India. Starting from the most primitive form of audio technology, the gramophone records to the most sophisticated Digital Versatile Discs of today’s world we have done it all, by withstanding the swirling winds of revolutionary technological changes in audio formats.
We were also the first to incept Pre-Recorded Audio Cassette Format & were also among the first to incept Audio Compact Discs in 1991. We are now on course to introduce our content in Blu-Ray Discs & HD-DVD soon. We also became the first South Indian Label to make our content available in over 160 International Websites for audio downloads through a tie up with THE ORCHARD. We are currently available on iTunes, Microsoft network, eMusic, Real, Rhapsody & many other leading websites.
We have also spread our wings in India & Worldwide by signing Content Licensing deals with Saregama India Limited & Moser Baer India Limited.
We now have made content deals with BigFlix .com to make content video content available online. We have also spear headed a new revolution in the industry by making our content available for free streaming to various end users worldwide.
SEA RECORDS has delved into the Indian Spiritual Music Genre and has been working constantly to take the Indian Ethos to the audience worldwide. We have added over 450 Indian Spiritual audio / video recordings in the past four years. We have launched the Vedic Fusion Series – A Fusion ensemble of Sanskrit Mantras & our Flagship Animation Series ‘Granny’s Tales’ under which we have completed production of two animation films titled ‘The Birth & Childhood of Lord Krishna’ & ‘Noah’s Ark’
We are currently working on a national integration musical titled ‘My India’ The Album would feature various genres of Music including Indian Classical, Rap, Rock, and Jazz & Pop all conveying one common predicament India & Integration. All tracks produced will be in Hindi, English, Sanskrit & Bengali (Vande Mataram).
We have already completed recordings with S.P.BALASUBRAMANIAM, BLAAZE, UNNIKRISHNAN, SUNITHA SARATHY, CHINMAYEE ,GOPIKA POORNIMA & The CHILDREN who were the Winners of The Airtel Super Singer Reality series.
We were also the First Indian Music Organization to be internationally recognized in 1981 when we became the members of the IFPI – International Federation Of The Phonographic Industry, which is affiliated to the UNESCO a wing of the United Nations. We are also now a part of Unesco’s Global Alliance For Cultural Diversity.
The Vital Ingredient in SEA RECORDS for all its existence was Mr.Anand Reddy. This has been a Saga of Success forSEA RECORDS & Mr. Anand Reddy.
We would also never forget the faith trust and blessings entrusted upon us by the people who have always been the motivation and inspiration that has kept us going. We hope that the people keep entrusting the same and we would continue to ride the roads of success and technology for a long time to come.

SEA RECORDS is a Partner of UNESCO'S Global Alliance For Cultural Diversity.